
The prices below are per figure for 28mm and 15mm figures. (28/15)





Artillery Piece


Artillery Train

Based on a stand of four horses pulling a vehicle, usually with two or more riders


Warhammer Foot


Warhammer mounted


Elephants and other oversized creatures


Tanks, aeroplanes and other vehicles


Shield/Other Transfers 

10p to apply + costs if we buy them in 

6mm  - see 6mm page

*Monsters and aeroplanes... Given these can be just about any size (and shape!) we think it is best to quote for them individually. Similarly with vehicles - a straight-off-the-line T34 is a far cry from a vignette of Monty's mobile HQ.

## With apologies to collectors of Scottish and other Caledonian armies - tartan is always extra.##

When I finished painting all the Highlanders we needed for Waterloo back in 2015, I promised myself I would never paint tartan again: it turns out my personal integrity comes in at 25p per figure.

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